My Mother and Father Mary (Sakey) And Leland Moree |
I was born in Cambridge, MA over 50 years ago on Mount Vernon Street, and grew up in North Cambridge. After attending the M. E. Fitzgerald School (now the Peabody School) and then Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School, I went to the North Bennett Trade School, in Boston's North End, for carpentry. I have been a proud Cantabrigian all my life! My mother was born in Boston, MA and my father was born in Florida.
The Sakey family has a 100 year history in Cambridge. My uncle, Joe Sakey was the former director of the Cambridge Public Library and my mentor. He taught me that are only truly rich when you have given everything away and only truly noble when you serve others. A civic and community activist and entrepreneur, he also served in the Army from 1943 through 1946, Mr. Sakey was involved in military combat throughout Germany, France, and the Netherlands. In 1952, Mr. Sakey married Shirley Enman. They spent the following year in Trivandrum, India, where Mr. Sakey, appointed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, served as director of the United States Information Library for the State Department. He also served as president of the New England Library Association. He was instrumental in starting the Cambridge Community Television Station, CCTV, and there is a press release from CCTV about him here: SakeyCCTV.html ALL LIVES MATTER: My uncle, Joe Sakey, helped with FDR's second bill of rights in 1944. I believe strongly in these rights and it is has helped to form my opinions and political platform. You can read more here: NEW! My "Second Bill of Rights Page!"
Joseph G. Sakey My Uncle |